Thursday, March 11, 2010

Purple Ribbon Outfit and Matching

$13.50 Skirt Outfit
$14.50 Pants Outfit
$40.00 Matching Girl

These outfits are super cute and can be made with any color ribbon. These outfits are made from different shades and designs of purple and lavendar.

The doll outfits include:

elastic waisted skirt with ribbon trimming the hem, white t-shirt with ribbon around the front mid-section and purple sandals.

The shoes on both outfits are purchased.
elastic waisted denim jeans and white t-shirt with ribbon on the hems of both. The hem and cuffs of both shirts have a tight zig zag stitch allowing for a ruffled appearance.

Girl Outfit:
denim jean skirt or pants with ribbon trimming the hem and a white t-shirt with ribbon trimming the mid-section.

1 comment:

Dawn Bootsma said...

What a cure red head girl!!!